Designing an ISA

19 Oct 23

I stumbled across Devine Lu Ator's uxn project. uxn is an instruction-set architecture (ISA) - the lowest form of a computer that can be programmed. Devine's philosophy behind the project is that the ISA should be simple enough that an emulator can be written in a weekend. This means the specification can be included with and software written for it, and that software is safe from its target architecture being lost. Designing an ISA purely for a software implementation is an interesting take. This removes some limitations that hardware comes with and lets you make some interesting choices. I decided to design an ISA without concern for a hardware implementation for fun.


I've taken a few university classes on assembly and ISAs, so I'ms ure several of my design decisions come from what we did in those. I started out with a memory size of 0xFFFF, an arithmetic logic unit (ALU) with 2 input registers and 1 output register, a return stack of 256 entries, a user-data stack with 256 entries, and 8 IO ports that are 2 bytes wide. I also decided to have 8 interrupt vectors: some for timers, keyboards, etc. As I wrote out the instructions and some sample assembly programs, I modified these specs.

I started the detailed design with the instructions since these are the part of the architecture that people interact with the most.

Opcode Instruction byte1 byte2 byte3 Description
LOAD load op1 op2 copy op1 into op2
SAVE save op1 op2 copy op1 into op2
ADD add ACC = R1 + R2
SUB subtract ACC = R1 - R2
MUL multiply ACC = R1 - R2
DIV divide ACC - R1 / R2
LSHIFT left-shift op shift [op] 1 bit left
RSHIFT right-shift op shift [op] 1 bit right
PUSH push op increment SP, store op in [SP]
POP pop op copy [SP] into op, decrement SP
SADD stack add consume the top 2 items, push their sum
SSUB stack subtract consume the top 2 items, push their difference
SMUL stack multiply consume the top 2 items, push their product
SDIV stack divide consume the top 2 items, push thir ratio
SLSHIFT stack left-shit bit shift [SP] 1 bit left
SRSHIFT stack right-shift bit shift [SP] 1 bit right
SAND stack AND consume/AND the top 2 items, push result
SOR stack OR consume/OR the top 2 items, push result
SXOR stack XOR consume/XOR the top 2 items, push result
SNAND stack NAND consume/NAND the top 2 items, push result
READ read IO op copy IO into op
WRITE write op IO copy op into IO
IENABLE interrupt-enable op copy op into IE
ISETUP interrupt-setup op1 op2 copy op2 into IV entries specified by op1
T1DIV timer1-divider op copy op into TD1
T2DIV timer2-divider op copy op into TD2
T3DIV timer3-divider op copy op into TD3
HALT system halt stop clock
JMP jump op copy op into PC
JMPEQ jump-if-equal op copy op into PC if ACC zero flag set
JMPNE jump-if-not-equal op copy op into PC if ACC zero flag not set
JMPPOS jump-if-positive op copy op into PC if ACC negative flag not set
JMPNEG jump-if-negative op copy op into PC if ACC negative flag set
CALL call op increment RP, copy (PC+2) into [RP], copy op into PC
RETURN return copy [RP] into PC, decrement RP
INC increment op op = op + 1
DEC decrement op op = op + 1
JSEQ jump if stack = 0 op copy op into PC if stack zero flag set
JSNE jump if stack != 0 op copy op into PC if stack zero flag not set
JSPOS jump if stack > 0 op copy op into PC if stack negative flag not set
JSNEG jump if stack < 0 op copy op into PC if stack negative flag set


Initially, I wanted each memory address to contain 4 bytes, a full instruction. The problem was that when using memory to store variables, I had to specify if I wanted the lower 2 bytes or the upper 2 bytes. If the variable was a pointer, I had to specify lower/upper again. Potential solutions include:

changing the memory layout
make variables only refer to the lower bytes
don't allow pointers directly from memory - load them into register then point

I made the decision to have each memory entry/address be 2 bytes wide. But with each instruction and operands being 4 bytes wide, each instruction will take up 2 memory addresses. To make this happen, the PC is incremented by 2 each time. This makes programming a little harder since we're counting by 2's, but it allows for much more elegant use of pointer variables.

0x0000 0x0001
0x0002 0x0003
0x0004 0x0005

You can still use odd-numbered memory for storage, but instructions will take up 2 slots. This solution allows for full self-modification. The program can write to any space in memory and replace parts of itself. I don't know what this would be useful for, but it's a thing.

Registers & Stack

In my classes and in Ben Eater's "building a breadboard computer" series, the architecture used a couple registers that get loaded with values, operations are done, and the results are stored in memory. For this machine, I decided to make a couple memory spaces take the role of registers. The register that holds the results is also a memory space. This all means the results memory slot can be directly loaded with a value to immediately check for JMPEQ, JMPPOS, etc.


0xFDFC is input1, 0xFDFD is input 2, and 0xFDFE is the 4-byte output. Having a large output will help prevent overflows

In addition to the register-oriented operations I'm used to, I decided to devote some instructions to stack operations, including all the math and bitwise operators that the "registers" get. This gives flexibility to the programmer at the cost of some implementation complexity. I may also add some instructions for uniquely stack-focused operations, like swapping the top to stack items, swapping the 1st and 3rd items, etc.

There are some traditional registers for system values like the Program Counter, stack pointers, etc:

Register Bytes Description
PC 2 program counter
RP 2 return stack pointer
SP 2 data stack pointer
IE 1 interrupt enable
IV 16 interrupt vectors - 2 bytes to hold address interrupts should trigger
AF 1 accumulator status flags (zero, negative, overflow, etc.)
SF 1 stack status flags

Addressing Modes

2 bits of the opcode are reserved for specifying the addressing mode. I defined 3: literal, direct, and indirect. literal is where the operand is included in the instruction, direct is where a memory location is specified, and indirect is where a memory location is specified and that location contains another memory address. Indirect addressing is like using pointers in C. These would be useful for looping over memory, e.g. when a section of memory contains a string of characters, and the contents of our pointer/index is incremented each loop.

Symbol Example Description
none 0xFF literal
& &0FFF direct (hex only)
> >0FFF indirect/pointer (hex only)

Assembler Directives & Syntax

Along with the instructions, there need to be a few additional features to make the language complete. The language needs to support assembler directives that the CPU won't execute, but will do things like pre-populate memory with certain values, replace variable names with their actual memory address, etc. These are outlined here:

Symbol Example Description
@ @label marks a place in the code that can be jumped to
# #name 0x0FFF any occurences of "name" in the code will be replaced with the address
$ $address value starting at the address, memory is populated with "value". Useful for defining strings
// // this is a comment ignored by assembler

Example Programs

Hello World:

#string F000             // declare variable
$string "Hello World!"   // populate memory with string
#index FD00              // declare variable

push string              // push address onto stack
pop index                // pop address into pointer variable
@loop                    // start of loop
	write >index 0x00    // write contents of [index] to cout
	inc index            // increment index
	load >index 0xFE     // load contents of [index] to accumulator
	jmpne /loop          // if accumulator != 0, jump to loop start
